If you are looking for treatment options or clinical studies for memory disorders (including Alzheimer’s disease), please visit Rutgers Health Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Clinic at https://rwjms.rutgers.edu/alzheimers or 732-235-7733.

Research & Projects

The outstanding team at the Center For Population Behavioral Health has constantly been working on exciting research and projects.

Grant Funding as PI/MPI

The following list does not include projects on witch faculty serve as Co-l or projects funded by start-ups.

CBPH FacultySourceTitle
ChungR21 NIDACannabis effects on driving behavior in medical cannabis patients 
ChungR21 NIAAASmartphone sensor data to detect shifts in healthy behaviors among 
young adult hazardous drinkers (secondary data analysis) 
GrossoR01 NICHDEthics of HIV-related research involving underage key populations in 
sub-Saharan Africa 
Office of Pop 
Evaluating the effects of state-level school-based sex education 
policies and practices on teen pregnancy 
GrossoPilot (Rutgers)Addressing HIV-related Stigma through Photovoice
Millar R01 NHLBI Role of sleep in cardiovascular health among men living with HIV 
Sizemore/Millar R34 NIDA Piloting an app-based JIT adaptive ecological momentary 
intervention to reduce substance use among HIV positive sexual 
minority men 
Sizemore CTSC Pilot Virtual gaming tool aimed to reduce physician stigma toward LGBTQ 
and racial minority patients with substance use disorders   
Jiang P30 pilot  
(U of MI) 
Virtual gaming tool aimed to reduce physician stigma toward LGBTQ 
and racial minority patients with substance use disorders   
Jiang P50 pilot 
Aging in a foreign land: Social isolation, depression, and 
cardiovascular health among older Chinese immigrants 
SartorR01 NIMHDCultural and environmental influences on precursors to and early 
states of alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis use in Black and Latinx 
youth (secondary analyses: ABCD study) 
SartorR21 NIMHDEcological momentary assessment of racial microaggressions and 
alcohol use in African American young adults