Key dates:
Deadline for Application Submission: April 1, 2024, by 11:59 PM EST
Anticipated Award Date: October 2024 (after NIH approval)
Overview and goals
Significant brain health disparities exist among minority older adults, including disparities in risk factors, clinical detection, and linguistically/culturally appropriate care. The Resource Center for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research in Asian and Pacific Americans (RCASIA) is funded by the NIH to generate sharable resources for Asian and Pacific Americans on the diagnosis and care of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (AD/ADRD), and to help train the next generation of Early Career Investigators (ESIs) underrepresented in AD/ADRD-related Behavioral, Social, and Economic Research, including (see Application Instructions for details):
Pilot Project Awards (up to $50,000 each) will support collaborative projects conducting innovative research that focuses on the intersection of AD/ADRD-related psychosocial risk factors, detection, and health outcomes involving older Asian Americans (comparative research between Asian and non-Asian older adults also qualify). This research can span the disciplines of cohort studies, health services research, and social science.
Projects can focus on primary data collection or secondary data analyses. This year, RCASIA will focus on projects including South Asian subgroups (e.g., Asian Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Nepali, Sri Lankan, and Indo-Caribbean communities). We especially encourage comparative study between South Asian and non-South Asian (Asian or non-Asian) health disparities populations.Projects which focus purely on biological mechanisms and outcomes (e.g., GWAS, protein biomarkers, cellular/animal models) will not be eligible.
Application Deadline: April 1, 2024 by 11:59 PM EST