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K. Marie Sizemore, PhD, RYT 
Core Faculty, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research; Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry (RWJMS) Rutgers University


Dr. Marie Sizemore has a background in developmental science (i.e. Child and Family Studies, Ph.D. and Clinical Psychology, M.S.) and is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Population Behavioral Health at IFH and in the Department of Psychiatry at RWJMS. She also serves as a member of the Analytic Core for the Adolescent Trials Network. Dr. Sizemore’s work stretches across two complementary areas of research. Her primary research interests are rooted in prevention/implementation science; with secondary research interests in methodology and measurement. She is especially interested in how research designs (e.g. factorial designs, SMART, and micro randomized trials) can be leveraged to optimize interventions prior to efficacy testing in a standard RCT. Her current research examines adaptive intervention designs and their application to the field of mHealth. 

Dr. Sizemore is currently MPI on an R34, which brings together these two areas of interest (i.e. prevention science and methodology). Specifically, this study builds upon a pilot project in which she and her team developed and tested an app-based intervention using a just-in-time adaptive (JITAI) design and an ecological momentary intervention (EMI) delivery format. The JITAI EMI uses mindfulness and positive affect induction as intervention approaches to reduce stress and provide “in-the-moment” support to sexual minority men (SMM) living with HIV. This R34 will further tailor the app for SMM living with HIV and comorbid substance use, as well as test the addition of smartwatch integration and random craving prompts using a factorial optimization trial, guided by the Multiphase Optimization Strategy. Dr. Sizemore is also MPI on a mHealth pilot project, funded through Weill Cornell CTSC, in collaboration with MIT Media Lab. This project will entail the development of a virtual gaming tool designed to reduce physician stigma toward SMM patients with substance use disorders and improves physician attitudes toward and interactions with these patient groups.