If you are looking for treatment options or clinical studies for memory disorders (including Alzheimer’s disease), please visit Rutgers Health Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Clinic at https://rwjms.rutgers.edu/alzheimers or 732-235-7733.

Pilot Instructions

2024 Call for Pilot Proposals: Application Instructions

Resource Center for Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Research in Asian and Pacific Americans (RCASIA)

2024 Call for Pilot Proposals: Application Instructions

Key dates:

Deadline for Application Submission: April 1, 2024, by 11:59 PM EST

Anticipated Award Date: October 2024 (after NIH approval)

Cover Page and Abstract: On the cover page please include:

  1. Title of the project
  2. Names, faculty ranks, and institutions of PI and all other co-investigators/collaborators/mentorship team
  3. PI’s contact information (phone number and email address).
  4. An abstract description of the proposed research project in layman’s terms (250 words or fewer).

Research Proposal: This section is limited to 3 pages maximum excluding figures, tables and references. Appendix material will not be accepted.  Proposals should be written using 11-point Arial font single spaced and no less than 0.5” margins. The proposal should describe the research plan and should include:

  1. Specific aims
  2. Scientific significance and innovation
  3. Preliminary studies (if any)
  4. Research design and methods, including any analytic procedures
  5. Limitations
  6. Information on how the proposed project will lead to peer-reviewed funding
  7. Plans for the PI’s career development and mentorship and how this proposal fits in
  8. Added value that the proposed research brings to the RCASIA and the elderly U.S. Asian population.
  9. How is proposed pilot study relevant to social, behavioral, psychological, and/or economic research on aging and/or aging-relevant health disparities?

Biosketches: Required for the PI and the primary mentor in the current NIH Biographical Sketch Format (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm)

Budget requests NOT EXCEEDING the award amount should be submitted on an NIH budget form with matching budget justifications. Outline major divisions of funds (personnel, equipment, supplies, other, etc.; and include adequate rationale in the budget justification). Funds can be utilized for research expenses only. All budget estimates must include direct costs only. Indirect costs are not allowed.

Human Subjects portion:

Targeted/Planned Enrollment Tables and Inclusion Enrollment Reports: These must be submitted on NIH forms (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/inclusion-enrollment-report.pdf).

If IRB approval is necessary for the proposed research, approval will be required prior to receiving funding (IRB approval is not needed for the pilot application review).

Letter of Support: It is required that your Primary Mentor provide a letter of support for your application to show their commitment to be your primary mentor.

Format: All items must be compiled and submitted as a single PDF file. Please number each page. Applications should be submitted electronically via email to RCMAR@ifh.rutgers.edu

Pilot Proposal Review Criteria: Applications will be reviewed by designated review committees. Reviewers will assign a score on the overall application based on the following review criteria:

Application Deadline: April 1, 2024 by 11:59 PM EST

The RCASIA pilot award application and/or any inquiries regarding this funding opportunity should be submitted via email RCMAR@ifh.rutgers.edu